Emily Nicole Green Outruns the Animal With her Debut EP

By Maddy Cristall

Emily Nicole Green, a remarkable singer-songwriter hailing from the bustling city of New York, fearlessly embarks on a transformative journey at the age of 40. With her debut EP, 'Outrunning The Animal,' she invites listeners to peer into the depths of her soul, unveiling her musical vision and artist identity. Released on her momentous 40th birthday, October 30th, this 5-track EP serves as a testament to Emily's unwavering creativity, proving that age knows no bounds when it comes to artistic expression. In a world saturated with independent artists, Emily stands tall as a beacon of light, captivating audiences with her raw emotion and limitless lyrical prowess.

The singles she has released thus far have already struck a powerful chord with listeners, igniting a wave of positivity and resonance. Through 'Outrunning The Animal,' Emily Nicole Green unveils her music to the world, skillfully intertwining captivating narratives within the soulful roots of her unique storytelling. This musical labyrinth effortlessly blends the vibrant notes of pop, the rustic allure of country, the haunting cadence of blues, the sultry strains of jazz, and the timeless charm of folk. Each track is a testament to her versatility and ability to transcend genres, leaving listeners spellbound and craving more. With this career-defining debut, Emily Nicole Green invites you to join her on a transformative musical journey. Step into her world, where age is merely a number and creativity knows no bounds. 'Outrunning The Animal' is a testament to the power of artistry and the boundless potential that lies within us all.

Get ready to embark on a mesmerizing musical voyage as you delve into the enchanting world of Emily's artistry. With each track on this record, she unveils the intricate layers of her talent, taking you on a captivating journey through the depths of her heart and mind. Brace yourself for a symphonic odyssey that will sweep you off your feet, where emotions cascade like a flowing river and melodies create vibrant landscapes of the human experience. Emily Nicole Green's debut EP is more than just an album; it's a precious glimpse into her past, her present, and her dreams for the future.

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